The CCG Judging Program supports woodcarving competition in the woodcarving shows conducted by CCG Chapters. These competitions are generally open to all woodcarvers, including (but not limited to) CCG members. The judging program maintains permanent records of competition results only for CCG members; in all other respects, there is no difference in treatment of members and nonmembers in CCG competitions.
The CCG provides a degree of financial support to the Judging Program (paying for travel and lodging expenses) but otherwise the Judging Program is independent from the CCG government. The Judging Program is divided into Northern and Southern regions, with a Chief Judge in charge of each region. Fairness and Consistency in judging are watchwords of the Judging Program, and considerable effort goes into training, supervision and quality control to achieve fair and consistent judging results.
The Carver's Guide to CCG Competition provides a comprehensive description of the CCG Judging Program and a lot of helpful information on how to approach carving for competition. The most recent revision of the Carver's Guide (March 2019) can be downloaded HERE. You can also buy a paper copy of the document from a Chief Judge (contact information below).
Serving as a CCG carving judge is an effective and satisfying way to support the art of woodcarving, and the need for more CCG judges (especially in Southern California) is urgent. To be a judge you don't have to be a "good" woodcarver, but you do have to have some enthusiasm for woodcarving and related arts. You also have to be willing to go through 2-3 years of apprenticeship to become a certified judge. Please consider becoming a judge; if you are interested, contact a Chief Judge.